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How Testimonials and Reviews Boost eCommerce Conversions

What is a landing page review or testimonial?

A landing page review or testimonial is a written or visual endorsement from a customer that describes their experience with a product or service. These reviews are typically displayed prominently on eCommerce website landing pages to provide social proof and influence potential customers' purchasing decisions. They can highlight product benefits, features, quality and overall customer satisfaction to build trust and credibility for the brand or product being promoted.

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Why is it important to have reviews on an eCommerce landing page?

75% of consumers are likely to search for reviews and testimonials before making a purchase and 76% of consumers have purchased a product because of someone else’s recommendation.¹

Reviews on eCommerce landing pages play a critical role in influencing consumer behaviour, improving brand perception and ultimately driving sales. By leveraging the power of customer testimonials, eCommerce businesses can create a more trustworthy and engaging shopping experience that resonates with potential buyers.

Testimonials and reviews are important to include on eCommerce websites because they can:

  1. Increase Conversion Rates: displaying reviews on eCommerce platforms can lead to higher conversion rates. Positive reviews act as endorsements that validate the quality and value of your offerings.
  2. Provide Insight into Product Quality: reviews often contain valuable insights about product performance, durability, usability and more. This information helps potential buyers understand what to expect and reduces the risk of dissatisfaction post-purchase.
  3. Enhance SEO and Visibility: user-generated content, such as reviews, can contribute to improved search engine optimisation (SEO). Fresh and relevant content on your landing pages can attract more organic traffic and improve your site's visibility.
  4. Encourage Customer Engagement: allowing customers to leave reviews fosters a sense of engagement and community around your brand. It shows that you value customer feedback and are open to transparency.
  5. Identify Areas for Improvement: negative reviews, while initially discouraging, offer valuable insights into areas that need improvement. They provide an opportunity to address customer concerns and enhance overall product quality and customer experience.
  6. Differentiate Your Brand: eCommerce stores are competitive and positive reviews can differentiate your brand from competitors. A strong reputation built on customer feedback can be a unique selling point.

Power Reviews analysed 1.5MM online product pages from over 1,200 brand and retailer sites throughout the course of 2021 for its report, The Conversion Impact of User-Generated Content: The Complete Breakdown for 2022

The research found that:

  • Reviews double conversion – visitors who interact with ratings and reviews convert at a rate that’s 108.3% higher than average
  • 106.3% lift in conversion among visitors who interact with user-generated imagery on a product page
  • 99.9% of consumers read reviews when shopping online at least sometimes
  • 77% of consumers regularly or always seek out visual content from other consumers prior to making a purchase
  • 61.6% of visitors who interact with star rating filters specifically filter to see one-star reviews and they convert at 85.7% higher than average

Key Takeaway: Customer reviews on eCommerce landing pages significantly impact consumer behaviour, with a majority of shoppers relying on testimonials before making purchases. Leveraging reviews not only boosts conversion rates but also enhances brand credibility and fosters customer engagement, ultimately setting your brand apart in a competitive market.

The Role of Reviews and Testimonials on an eCommerce Landing Page

When purchasing decisions are made swiftly and often based solely on digital interactions, the role of reviews and testimonials on landing pages is paramount. These elements serve as powerful social proof, influencing potential customers and bolstering trust in a brand or product. 

Testimonials on landing pages can:

  • increase relevance by mentioning specific pain points the customer is facing
  • showcase important features in an easy-to-read format
  • establish user cases that might not be highlighted in marketing copy

Trust and Credibility

In a world flooded with marketing messages, consumers often view testimonials as more genuine and trustworthy than traditional advertising. In fact, 83% of people trust reviews over advertising³ and 91% of millennials trust reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family.⁴ When shoppers see positive feedback from others who have purchased and used the product or service, they feel reassured and it helps them to make an informed decision. 

Social Proof and Risk Reduction

66% of customers said the presence of social proof increased their likelihood to buy.⁵

Psychologically, people tend to do what they see others doing. This concept is known as social proof. Testimonials prove that others have not only purchased your product or service but have found value in their purchase and are satisfied customers. This validation can be a powerful motivator for hesitant buyers who are on the fence about making a purchase due to uncertainties about quality, reliability or suitability. This risk reduction function of testimonials is particularly crucial in high-value transactions or for first-time buyers who rely on social proof to make informed decisions.

Relatability and Empathy

Testimonials often convey personal stories and specific scenarios, making them highly relatable. By sharing how a product or service has positively impacted someone's life or business, potential buyers can feel an emotional connection, increasing the possibility of conversion. 

Real-World Proof

Unlike theoretical claims in sales pitches, testimonials provide real-world proof of the effectiveness of a product or service. They offer practical examples and experiences that demonstrate tangible benefits, making them more persuasive to potential customers.

Variety of Perspectives

Testimonials come in various forms, such as written, video or case studies, appealing to a diverse audience and offering multiple perspectives on the product's value.

Key Takeaway: Reviews and testimonials on eCommerce landing pages play a crucial role in building trust and credibility with potential customers. They provide relatable, real-world proof of product effectiveness, reduce perceived risk, showcase diverse perspectives and address specific pain points, ultimately influencing purchasing decisions in a crowded digital marketplace.

Types of Reviews and Testimonials

Incorporating diverse types of reviews and testimonials can significantly enhance the impact and credibility of your eCommerce business. By strategically implementing various formats and features, brands can cater to different customer preferences and create an interactive and engaging experience. 

Hero Testimonials: Showcasing Leading Customers

One powerful approach is to feature a standout "hero" testimonial from a prominent and well-known customer. This could be a recognisable figure within the industry or a satisfied client who holds significant credibility. A hero testimonial adds prestige and authority to your brand, reinforcing trust and influencing potential customers' perceptions positively.

Wall of Love: Mosaic Display of Testimonials

Another effective method is to create a "wall of love" on your landing page, presenting a mosaic of testimonials from satisfied customers. This visually appealing format showcases a breadth of positive feedback, emphasising the widespread satisfaction with your products or services. The collective display of video and photo testimonials, social media feedback and embedded reviews in a wall format reinforces social proof and encourages visitors to engage with the content.

To maximise the impact of testimonials and make them feel more genuine and believable, consider incorporating the following elements:

  • Real Names: provide testimonials with real first and last names to humanise the feedback and establish credibility
  • Job Titles or Labels: adding job titles or relevant labels (e.g., industry type, procedure type) helps contextualise the testimonials and increases relevance to specific target audiences
  • Photos: including photos of the customers alongside their testimonials adds a personal touch and reinforces authenticity
  • Customer Videos: video testimonials offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase customer satisfaction and experiences
  • Star Ratings: incorporating star ratings alongside testimonials provides instant visual feedback and enhances credibility
  • Authentic Responses: avoid overly polished or scripted testimonials (you can usually tell when a review has been engineered!); let customers express their experiences in their own words, reflecting genuine sentiments and emotions
  • Social Media Integration: embedding testimonials sourced from social media platforms like Instagram or X further amplifies social proof and demonstrates real-time customer engagement
  • Endorsement from Trusted Platforms: featuring widgets or display logos from trusted review platforms (like Trustpilot, Google Reviews or Yelp) demonstrates that your business is endorsed by external sources, enhancing credibility and reassuring potential customers

Key Takeaway: Incorporating diverse types of testimonials, such as standout "hero" endorsements and visually appealing "wall of love" displays, creates a memorable and engaging experience for potential buyers and highlights positive feedback from a variety of sources. 

How many testimonials should be included on an eCommerce landing page?

Determining the optimal number of testimonials for your eCommerce landing page isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. While featuring 3-5 impactful testimonials is a good starting point, the ideal quantity may vary based on your specific audience and product offerings. A survey by Spiegel Research Center found that products with at least five reviews have a 270% higher chance of being purchased compared to products with no reviews.⁶

The number of testimonials to include on an eCommerce landing page should strike a balance between quality and quantity. It's recommended to showcase a select few impactful testimonials that represent a range of positive experiences and address common concerns or benefits of your products or services. The goal is to highlight the most compelling and relevant testimonials that resonate with your target audience and encourage them to take action. Remember, quality and authenticity are key when selecting testimonials for your landing page.

A strategic approach involves conducting A/B testing to assess how different quantities of testimonials impact your conversion rate. Through A/B testing, you can experiment with increasing or decreasing the number of testimonials displayed and measure the resulting impact on user engagement and conversions. You can also use A/B testing to measure how different testimonial formats, such as text and video, are received. 

Design Tips for Reviews and Testimonials on eCommerce Landing Pages

Displaying customer endorsements in a way that entices potential buyers and encourages them to make a purchase requires thoughtful design. Here are our key design considerations to optimise reviews and testimonials on your landing pages: 

  1. Clean and Engaging Layout

Opt for a clean and visually engaging design that minimises clutter and directs attention towards the testimonials themselves. A well-organised layout enhances readability and reinforces the credibility of the testimonials.

  1. Establish Visual Hierarchy

Employ design elements such as font size, colour and spacing to establish a clear visual hierarchy. Highlight the most significant parts, such as the testimonial text, to ensure they stand out prominently.

  1. Diverse Testimonial Formats

Incorporate diverse formats such as text, video and audio testimonials to cater to different user preferences. Video testimonials, in particular, can be highly engaging, offering authentic insights through real people and their emotions.

  1. Provide Subtitles and Transcripts

For video and audio testimonials, include subtitles or transcripts, not only for accessibility but also to accommodate users browsing in sound-sensitive environments. This enhances inclusivity and ensures the content is accessible to all visitors.

  1. Align with Brand Identity

The design should reflect your brand's identity, including colour schemes, typography and tone. Consistent branding instils trust and familiarity among users.

  1. Opt for Clear Fonts

Choose easy-to-read fonts that align with your brand's style. Avoid overly decorative fonts that may affect readability.

  1. Utilise Contrast and Colour

Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colours to enhance legibility. Poor contrast can hinder readability, affecting the overall impact of testimonials.

  1. Break Content into Digestible Segments

Divide longer testimonials into concise paragraphs or bullet points for improved readability. Bite-sized chunks of information are easier for visitors to absorb and comprehend, particularly if they are scanning the page quickly.

  1. Maintain a Consistent Theme

Harmonise the design of the testimonials and reviews on the landing pages with the overall aesthetic of your eCommerce website. Consistency in design creates a seamless user experience and reinforces brand identity.

  1. Maintain Consistent Messaging

Ensure that the presentation of testimonials aligns with your brand's voice and messaging. Consistency in tone—whether professional, casual or playful—reinforces your brand's authenticity.

Key Takeaway: Considered design of reviews and testimonials on eCommerce landing pages is crucial for converting potential buyers. Implement a clean layout, establish visual hierarchy, use diverse formats, and maintain consistent branding and messaging to boost engagement and increase conversions. 

How To Display Reviews on Your Landing Page

  1. Choose the Right Format

Select a review format that aligns with your landing page's design and objectives. Options include a slider for dynamic movement, a grid for a structured display, or a prominent single review with a compelling call-to-action.

  1. Highlight Key Points

Extract key points or standout phrases from reviews and use them as headers or subheaders. This draws attention to the most compelling aspects of customer feedback and helps visitors quickly grasp the essence of each review.

  1. Keep it Simple

Avoid overwhelming visitors with a barrage of reviews. Instead, select a few that showcase a range of customer experiences effectively. Quality over quantity ensures that each review carries significant weight.

  1. Place Reviews Strategically

Position reviews strategically on your landing page where they are highly visible and likely to be noticed by visitors. Consider placing reviews near the top of the page, close to product descriptions, or alongside prominent call-to-action buttons to reinforce trust and encourage conversions.

  1. Include Negative Reviews

Don't shy away from including a few negative reviews alongside positive ones. Addressing constructive criticism demonstrates transparency and authenticity. It shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving the overall customer experience.

Highlighting Key Reviews for Maximum Impact

By strategically showcasing key reviews on your eCommerce website landing pages, you can create a compelling narrative that engages your target audience and shines a light on the benefits of your product or service. In turn, you can increase conversions and improve brand loyalty. Here are a few tips on how to use impactful reviews effectively:

  1. Prioritise Recent Reviews

Highlight recent reviews prominently on your landing page. Recent feedback reflects the current state of your business and carries more relevance for visitors, reinforcing trust in your offerings.

  1. Highlight High Ratings

Prioritise reviews with high ratings, such as 5-star ratings, to convey a positive sentiment to potential customers. Positive feedback reassures potential buyers and encourages them to take action.

  1. Emphasise Unique Selling Points

Highlight reviews that emphasise your business's unique selling points, whether it's exceptional customer service, product quality or speedy delivery. Reinforcing these strengths through customer testimonials strengthens your brand positioning against competitors. 

  1. Address Common Concerns

Select reviews that specifically address common concerns or pain points of your target audience. By showcasing how your eCommerce business resolves issues or meets expectations, you can alleviate doubts and hesitations among potential customers.

  1. Feature Influential Endorsements

If you have reviews from influential customers such as industry experts or celebrities, showcase them prominently. Endorsements from respected figures carry significant weight and can improve your brand’s credibility significantly. 

  1. Utilise Visual Reviews

Reviews accompanied by images or videos create a more immersive, interactive and engaging experience for visitors. Visual content enhances credibility and authenticity, making customer feedback more relatable and memorable. 

  1. Incorporate Design Elements

Use design elements like bold text, colour accents or icons to make key reviews stand out visually. Strategic use of design draws attention to important testimonials, guiding visitors towards positive perceptions of your brand.

Key Takeaway: Feature high ratings prominently, highlight influential endorsements and emphasise unique selling points to maximise the impact of testimonials on your landing pages. The strategies above can make your products or services stand out from competitor offerings while increasing customer confidence in your eCommerce business.

To sum up, the significance of incorporating reviews and testimonials on eCommerce landing pages cannot be overstated. These endorsements serve as compelling social proof, influencing consumer behaviour and fostering trust and credibility in your brand or product. By displaying customer feedback effectively, eCommerce businesses can improve brand perception, encourage customer engagement and boost sales. 

If you need support with building and optimising landing pages for your eCommerce store, please get in touch with our friendly, expert team. We can create an engaging and trustworthy shopping experience that resonates with your audience and sets your brand apart in a competitive marketplace.
